Thursday, September 20, 2012


             Thanks to the prevalence of the internet, society now exists just as much online as it does in the physical world. As more and more people move online, increasingly important chunks of the economy and infrastructure follow, from Amazon, to Wal-Mart, to paying taxes. The massive amount of daily life that relies on the smooth functioning of the World Wide Web also draws attention from people who wish to do harm, from terrorists to identity thieves. Cyber-security is used to protect information and infrastructure from those who wish to harm it.
            This article from the Christian Science Monitor describes the actions of Senator Jay Rockefeller, and his attempt to get a cyber-security bill passed. Rockefeller wrote the CEOs of the United States’ top 500 businesses in order to get their opinion on cyber-security and the bill. The attempt at getting the bill passed last month fell short of the needed votes. A rumored plan that the president may take to enforce cyber-security in the event that the bill fails has been circling the web the past few days, however, the bill would be more effective.
            This article shows just how badly America needs to wake up and see just how unprotected its internet structure is. Cyber-security is going to become a necessity in the coming years, yet the US Senate refuses to pass a bill in order to implement it.

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