Friday, October 5, 2012

Defense Budget Cuts

Dr. John C. Hulsman, the president of an international political-risk consulting firm, wrote to the Christian Science Monitor about “A sure-fire place to cut the US defense budget.” In addition to his consulting firm, Dr. Hulsman has written or co-written ten books about either politics or political history. While he submitted his work to the Monitor in order to get it out to the general public, it also seems to aim itself at congress as he proposes action that congress could take in order to improve the US budget.
            Hulsman argues that the United States should abort its MEADS missile and drone defense project that has consistently fallen behind schedule and over budget and replace it with modified Patriot missile systems. He makes the point of the argument clear and backs the point up with relevant evidence. However, he assumes that the United States’ partners in the project, Germany and Italy, will not anger at the US for backing out.
            The provided evidence supports the argument through clear and logical links. A significant portion of Hulsman's evidence relies on logical and objective argumentation in order to get the point across to the reader. From listing reasons why the US’ relations with the project partners would not be harmed if the project got the axe to providing evidence for the cancellation of MEADS in the form of quotes and political analysis.
            I agree with the argument and with his conclusion that the US should cancel MEADS and replace it with modified Patriots. He makes a case that is beneficial for all parties involved economically and militarily. The modified missiles take over one of the main selling points of MEADS, increased radar coverage. All that would need to be done is installing new types of radar and detection systems onto existing missiles installations instead of needing new ones. In addition to the savings on time and effort cancellation of the project would save the US $400 million and save Germany and Italy the money that would otherwise be thrown into the funding black hole that MEADS has become. In the end, all parties involved save money and gain the main advantages of the MEADS system by canning it and swapping to modified Patriot missile installations.

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